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Honestly people need to shut up about this kind of story type, she wants to change her bod...

owlien March 12, 2024 12:53 am

Honestly people need to shut up about this kind of story type, she wants to change her body so what's wrong lmao, who hurt you? She wants to have a better health too, so why not? I used to be overweight too, and not in a healthy way, i couldn't sleep because it's hard to breath, that's why i also went on diet, i hate when people denied this, it's dumb.

    Monypixh March 17, 2024 12:59 am

    Same here I was super overweight and I have health problem too, losing weight is a great choice for me. I dunno why people hating on her like that .

    ash March 17, 2024 3:31 pm

    EXACTLY I'm trying to loose weight cause everyone in my family suffers from high blood pressure and diabetes and i know how hard life with bp and diabetes

    del sol March 18, 2024 12:21 am

    YES! I understand the toxic beauty standards and loving yourself the way you are BUT there is nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight. I used to be so overweight where it was difficult to breathe by walking, friends commenting all the time I was a super slow runner cause of my weight or that none of the clothes I liked would fit me. I was also on the verge of becoming diabetic. This story is great cause atleast it shows the FL wanting to lose weight cause she wants to, not cause someone is forcing her