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I mean this had so much potential that im not even kidding it would get at least 9.3 point...

Lilian March 11, 2024 6:51 pm

I mean this had so much potential that im not even kidding it would get at least 9.3 points if they could’ve played this plot right but they just messed it up instead.. why did he raped him and just left and spending 10 years in that dungeon without getting old or showering or even changing clothes?? Does this logic look logical to you duh. The ML could’ve manifested as a hunter and went to military when MC was only a few years in the military to catch up to him and that way the new hunter things would’ve been useful to the MC too instead of getting hurt every time. The art style and the potential of the plot got wasted like it’s nothing, this could’ve turn out so good if only they changed and improved it by adding more things to the plot and more logic. And it’d have been an amazing fantasy-bl. Im not even mad im just disappointed tbh.
