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Idk about the romance but there are weird female characters if anyone is wondering . . . ...

Ban Yeo dan's a cutie March 10, 2024 4:27 pm

Idk about the romance but there are weird female characters if anyone is wondering
1)Like this princess (honestly she's okay because she's not clingy but she sometimes blushes and stutters ) +(her servant future sword prodigy )

2)his sword spirit (spoiler alert later his god gives her some powers to materialise at will and says now you can get physical with her if you want (10000×ewww he calls himself her father *gag*)

3) mist leader "obsessed " with (his powers) him

4) his mannerless maid (who the hell tells their employer/master to lift their own fkin luggage? , even if she was a man she would have been hella annoying )

I have only read 50 novel chapters till now idk about future ,can't help but think MC's interaction with female characters is idiotic

Ohhhh and eeeee spoiler!!!!!

A dragon baby "girl"

Yet to see a male ally except for a servant
