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Its mostly fault finding rant so skip

Ban Yeo dan's a cutie March 10, 2024 9:05 am

All the MCs allies are female (obviously)
Be it his merchant friend, the fire mage ,that Dungeon fairy .its not really ecchi so its okay so far , it'll be great if he had male allies too to balance things out .(I'm in chapter 23)

And there is rarely any balance ,and his skills are so random (alchemy, weapon forgery ,summoning , infinite inventory)
(Its not bad ,but im writing the things i found off so anyone wanting to read this will know)

I'm writing whatever I can think off (since no one pointed it out)

That summon kobald can cook ?? Knows how to handle kitchen , knows recipes (who knows how) And all summons are surprising very intelligent beings

There are a "few" limitations, like he has to get experience to Level Up, items have Level limits ,items are not ultra legendry "yet" ,they aren't enough at all

And side characters barely have any substance (but I love that fire mage character)

That merchant is probably ripping MC off (buying his whole stock in (very) low prices , charging "some" handling fees , this idiot mc doesn't even try to manage/account things at all
( I'm not saying be greedy ,he can donate or do something good with obtained money. Or not , too much money is never a bad thing )

Manufacturing so many goods and selling them at once might collaps market (poor local sellers)

Infinite storage is such a cheat (many stories have them but anyways)it'll be good if there were just big storage capacity (like the size of a house , at most a like a soccer stadium )

And Leveling up skills are usually very difficult.

Having many Modern world things is also weird

I don't have complaints about other summons

Its just another mass produced story ( I like and read them anyways)
