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Inés wants to live like her true self

StoryofMinglan March 9, 2024 1:24 pm

Important things this chapter:

1. Inés starts to trust Cárcel a little more with the things about her true self.
2. Inés admits this is the first time she’s lived a life where she feels ‘safe and secure’. Hence, she’s never lived a life like this before.
3. Inés actually admits to being exhausted. Manhwa posed it as a question but novel explicitly has her say she’s exhausted from ‘walking and crawling in anxiety outside the safe boundary’ which is (Cárcel).
4. Inés decides she wants to live as her true self. This is actually a pivotal moment. Inés’s goal in this life was to live carefully so she can finally die for good. In this episode, she wants to live like her true self now. She no longer wanted to live the way she used to.
5. In the novel, this section ends with Inés wishing the present moment she and Cárcel shared wouldn’t pass. She found her thought contradictory because she’d always been living wishing time would pass quickly yet she didn’t want this moment to pass.

A sweet moment that Inés and Cárcel also shared is their bickering over her safety. Cárcel always treats Inés like she’s delicate glass after her near-death experience so he was opposed to Inés riding a horse to the hunting lodge especially since he doesn’t know the extent of her horseback riding experience. He’s also worried that she would be tired since she’s been living confined to their home. Inés complained that he always treat her like she’s so delicate. Cárcel asks her how many times does he have to explain how much he cares about her. (His statement brings tears to her eyes) She wonders why does he make everything okay. Cárcel then tells her his worries about her will always surpass her stubbornness. Ugh. These two.

    mysticeva March 9, 2024 2:43 pm

    if you can please do this every chapter I would love to know

    StoryofMinglan March 9, 2024 2:58 pm
    if you can please do this every chapter I would love to know mysticeva

    Sure. Manhwa will be on break for a month though. I guess it will be back in April.