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I thought I liked this but then I just couldn't stop writing this comment

somnia March 9, 2024 2:44 am

Funny how that works, if your fiance is voicing concern over being framed for murders she didn't commit you'd think as the actual murderer who loves said fiance you'd be smart enough to just not kill people anymore and find a false culprit to frame, but nvm that ig. Funny how you can just expect some gossiping lackeys to play telephone without so much as catching up or confirming the message has been delivered.

My plan's to force-read this if not drop it and just make up my own happy end after the ML's crimes are discovered (let's say in the next 20 or 30 chapters if we're unlucky):
ML gets beheaded, FL can fuck off to that magic kingdom she keeps yapping about, come back for the dnd quest with the saint and prince to save the world or whatever, and idk marry the prince or live happily being a Mary Sue.
I have the strong feeling the story's gonna be something or other along those lines anyway, but instead of ML getting executed FL will put in a good word with the prince and his punishment will be downgraded to jail, and he'll coinicdentally be freed when FL comes back from her disney vacation so all 4 of them can beat up bad demons with the power of their combined sheer idiocy. With a little bit of luck anything after ML's crimes speedrun reveal will actually still be interesting enough to keep you going, but I'm jaded af and know no hope.

I need all the fucking authors out there to listen to me. If your title is that type of on the nose don't make your mc oblivious to it, it's so fucking annoying almost all of the time. Especially when FL has to practically become a blind dumbass for her not to notice. Either make FL know he's the killer or change the title and obscure his involvement more, ffs.
