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The author is out to make Cesare the 2nd love interest no matter what. He's a hot anime pr...

somnia March 8, 2024 6:06 pm

The author is out to make Cesare the 2nd love interest no matter what. He's a hot anime prince, so he has to be like this even if his love for Ari is based on her being a "worthy woman" and Alphonso's lover. He can rape her and use her in their past life but it's alright bc now he's the tease who chases and blushes after his chosen woman, and even gets some lighter comedic scenes.

Why does he get to bask in twilight meanwhile, for example, the nutty princess is getting nothing but shade?
Yes, in the context of the story it makes sense, don't get me wrong (I still like the story too), but it still feels wrong that Cesare gets this room for sincerity despite being such a snake.

    Zaya March 9, 2024 4:32 am

    True, PREACH