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Meli March 5, 2024 7:50 am

I still don't understand why everyone is so mad about the ML. They are both mental and neither says the word "Love". Why should it be the job of ML to say the L-Word first when the MC is clearly not ready?

Also, guys, the blondie could kill ML with a flick of his finger, do you really think anything is happening against his will???

    maxi March 5, 2024 8:46 pm

    dude wtf, you're seriously justifying rape

    yes the MC could kill the ML if he wanted to but only AFTER the ML lets him go. the ML is physically stronger than the MC that's why he cant fight against him. he could only get rid of him afterwards so right now he cant do anything.

    even if the MC doesnt kill him, it doesnt mean that he wants this. he likes the ML because he can be himself around him but thats it. he always had to pretend that he's someone else and thats why he doesnt kill the ML because if he does, he lost the only person who really knows him but that doesnt mean that the ML can just pull some shit like that because he's what? jealous? mad? "do you really think everything that is happening is against his will" yes. the MC said no and no means no. you're sick if you really think that forst of all this is okay and second of all that the MC, THE VICTIM, is okay with this, because he's not. ML keeps crossing the line and i really hope the MC kills him but he probably wont do it

    Meli March 5, 2024 10:03 pm
    dude wtf, you're seriously justifying rapeyes the MC could kill the ML if he wanted to but only AFTER the ML lets him go. the ML is physically stronger than the MC that's why he cant fight against him. he could... maxi

    Dude, you need to read it again. MC is stronger. Even ML knows that and said multiple times, that he knows it and that he would be okay being killed by MC.

    You clearly have no idea about bdsm dynamics or understand the couple's dynamic. Stop yapping, read it again, go touch some grass and stop being so stupid. Holy fudge.

    You are clearly missreading the plot on purpose and getting triggered all by yourself. Stop reading this story, for the sake of everyone.

    maxi March 6, 2024 1:14 pm
    Dude, you need to read it again. MC is stronger. Even ML knows that and said multiple times, that he knows it and that he would be okay being killed by MC. You clearly have no idea about bdsm dynamics or unders... Meli

    The MC has more power and can kill the ML but he is not physically stronger and the MC also said it. And about the BDSM dynamic, i do understand it and i also understand their dynamic but the ML keeps crossing the line. the MC doesnt want to talk to him and wants to be alone —> ML gets mad and does some shit

    Yes the MC may like him being like that but that doesnt mean that he 100% consents because he doesnt. The whole surgery thingy was done AGAINST his will and he did try fighting against it but it was no use. And yes he didnt kill him after that incident because the ML is the only one who knows who he really is.

    Im not sure what or who you are trying to defend. The “love” that they have is toxic and should be criticized. I understand what the MC likes and i do understand the story but some things that happened there happened against his will and you can go around talking shit about “missreading the story” and “nothing was done against his will” but you are wrong. Im not gonna argue with you because i dont have the patience for it, but you should probably stop reading these kind of stories if you cant tell something is being done against their will.

    Marikio March 6, 2024 1:57 pm

    @maxi clap clap

    Meli March 6, 2024 10:31 pm
    @maxi clap clap Marikio

    With their head against a wall, yes

    Meli March 6, 2024 10:36 pm
    The MC has more power and can kill the ML but he is not physically stronger and the MC also said it. And about the BDSM dynamic, i do understand it and i also understand their dynamic but the ML keeps crossing... maxi

    Lol, dude, don't come here with "I am not gonna argue with you because I don't have the patience"

    Show me where I said that their love is healthy? One is a sociopath and the other is a psycho. There is nothing healthy about them.

    You are the one who is too stupid to understand their dynamic and has a mental break down every update. You shouldn't read this, you are clearly not smart enough to read anything but Porn-Without-Plot.