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mylastbraincell March 2, 2024 7:37 pm

the author is so good at making this a warm, cute and fluffy story. look at how heart warming and sweet they are whenever they're
NOT having sex 24/7 lmao
sometimes it feels like the sex scenes are forced bc the author doesn't want to have two characters having healthy conversation

    mylastbraincell March 2, 2024 7:43 pm

    I going to be mean, this couple has no chemistry at all... like jihyuk liked him on first sight, so he has a face kink? does he like him anything else than his face? wht abt eungeom... he's the only one with a little character depth- he likes jihuk bc he makes him feels safe- bc of his past, his standard is a lil low jihyuk is basically forcing himself on you sometimes...