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The way Doyak made such unique characters and a complex plot for WET SAND just for the com...

MOONCHILD February 29, 2024 1:02 pm

The way Doyak made such unique characters and a complex plot for WET SAND just for the community to become this polarized because of the endgame is sad. You all need to stop shaming Ian for his choices, insulting and downplaying Joseph and villainizing TJ. It's a disservice to them and the story. Based on the comments so far none of you have reading comprehension. Sometimes I wonder if some of you guys have ever read a book or written an essay in your lives.

    LaNansha February 29, 2024 1:12 pm

    Shaming Ian is the most annoying shxt to me. All I see is “whore,” “slut,” etc.