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I can't believe dan chose jaekyung over his dying grandma

bloomix February 29, 2024 9:17 am

he started this job to acquire money for his grandma's hospital bills. now that the opportunity to finally save his grandma comes up, his selfish, stupid love for jaekyung gets in the way. he chose jaekyung over his grandma. he should've accepted to work for the other company after being provided proof that his grandma would actually get the help she needs.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 9:58 am

    It's so funny how you don't understand sarcasm. Of course I'm mocking you old hag. Of course I wasn't correcting your grammar out of the goodness in my heart. It was as obvious as your grammar mistakes

    Aloha March 4, 2024 9:59 am

    I think it is something like this?? In a debate, if you try winning by attacking someone's grammar or by using big words, you must not have a very good argument.

    But look at what else I found.

    "If you are arguing with someone online, attacking their spelling or grammar is an admission of defeat? Would it fall under Ad Hominem? If the said person just focused on the incorrect usage of grammar of one particular word in his or her reply?"

    "It would absolutely admit defeat, you understand what is being argued or stated enough to correct it instead of responding to the point at hand, you start to argue about grammar, spelling, or punctuation. In some cases it might be Ad Hominem, in some it might not, just point it out might not be but it does detrail from the debate. Sayin “You’re dumb and made an error so your points must be dumb” or something like that would be ad hominem."

    Yes. If you feel the need to rely on semantics and spellings, it surely signifies your lack of reasoning into the argument.

    "Attacking someone's spelling or grammar in an online argument can indeed be seen as a form of ad hominem attack. Ad hominem refers to attacking the person making the argument rather than addressing the argument itself. Focusing on the incorrect usage of grammar in one particular word in a reply could be seen as a nitpicking tactic, which may distract from the actual substance of the argument and derail the conversation. It's generally more productive to engage with the content of the argument rather than resorting to personal attacks or nitpicking."

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:01 am

    Oh no! I am defeated! Boo hoo! What will I do with all my superior English now? Will I turn into an adult with shit grammar like Aloha?

    Aloha March 4, 2024 10:07 am

    Haha. Bailey you are predictable and obvious. You are also obliviously. You walked into a trap and did everything I wanted. Do you not see what you did? You have discredited yourself as you just showed everyone you a big fat troll. You are defeated by yourself. Stop cyber stalking Protector and friends.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:10 am

    Hahahaha you are too funny! You really thought you did something there. Grandma, people are not stupid. They can tell I was mocking you with the grammar shit. They don't need you to spell it out for them. They're not as stupid as you.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:11 am

    Didn't you say you have work, granny? Or are you going to sit here and sling mid ass insults at a teenager all day?

    Aloha March 4, 2024 10:11 am
    Haha. Bailey you are predictable and obvious. You are also obliviously. You walked into a trap and did everything I wanted. Do you not see what you did? You have discredited yourself as you just showed everyo... Aloha

    You are also oblivious*
    Now you have to wonder if I made those mistakes on purpose or by accident.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:12 am

    I don't need to wonder. I know you made that mistake on accident because you're shit at grammar.

    Aloha March 4, 2024 10:17 am
    If they wanna be crazy, then I'm gonna show them who the real crazy is. Bunch of wolves. Manhwaspicy



    Bailey is defeated and they have discredited themselves as everyone can see they are trolls and after people. They have a one tract mind. They are so oblivious. hahaha. They think this is about the grammar. They are hilarious.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:20 am

    Hahahahaa Aloha is so dumb. She thinks posting google search results makes her and her friends smarter than everyone else

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 11:43 am

    BaileyBot talk to me directly, don't go through the corners.

    You wanna make this public? It just shows how weak and insecure you are and nobody would back you up you pathetic fk. Get your little ass off this site you fk minor! Waste of space.

    You ever been mocked before?? Well I will tell you that's gonna happen if you continue with your bullshit! Keep lying and lying all of what you must! I pray someone lies about you ten times worse in that manner and no fk person would believe that they're all false allegations.

    Continue being a bitch dear. Disgusting.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 11:45 am

    You will always be defeated by me dear

    That's a FK FACT.

    You can piss on yourself MF

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 12:33 pm

    Is that a threat manhwaspicy? What are you gonna do? Call me a bitch again? Does it make you feel like a big strong man when you threaten a minor? Do you feel like a good person when you defend your pedophile friend?

    Meli March 4, 2024 3:45 pm
    BaileyBot talk to me directly, don't go through the corners. You wanna make this public? It just shows how weak and insecure you are and nobody would back you up you pathetic fk. Get your little ass off this... Manhwaspicy

    I’m backing them up
    Ur both actually crazy
    I can’t believe any of this

    Meli March 4, 2024 3:46 pm
    You will always be defeated by me dearThat's a FK FACT.You can piss on yourself MF Manhwaspicy

    I bet ur both ugly ag irl

    I bet you both stink and don’t take care of yeach ur hygiene
    Fucking cunts

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 5:46 pm


    I am Female. Let that stick in. Your parents deserve to see what their child is doing here. You wanna be treated like an animal? Then I'm gonna put you in your fk place. A liar should be called a bitch, there's no two ways about it. You are a bitch for lying and you should be humbled, that's why I'm here. Yes, to humble your lying ass.

    Do you know why this argument is pointless? Bc a fk MINOR isn't meant to be on here. You are clearly asking for it.

    I am gonna make sure you leave this site. Give me time and you'll see how things turn out. You've already gotten on my nerves and there's no going back

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 5:48 pm
    I’m backing them up Ur both actually crazy I can’t believe any of this Meli


    These are all the fucks I give.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 5:50 pm
    I bet ur both ugly ag irl I bet you both stink and don’t take care of yeach ur hygiene Fucking cunts Meli

    For the last time, your words could never define me. They define who you truly are as a PERSON.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 6:37 pm

    Grandma #2, did you think you did something by calling yourself a woman? It's more gross that an adult woman would say that shit to a minor. You're one of those gross old moms who defend their child's abuser because "he would never do that". I pray for your future children. You're sick in the head.

    Meli March 4, 2024 7:48 pm
    ..These are all the fucks I give. Manhwaspicy

    That’s a lot of space. It’s cool that you give a lot of fucks.