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I can't believe dan chose jaekyung over his dying grandma

bloomix February 29, 2024 9:17 am

he started this job to acquire money for his grandma's hospital bills. now that the opportunity to finally save his grandma comes up, his selfish, stupid love for jaekyung gets in the way. he chose jaekyung over his grandma. he should've accepted to work for the other company after being provided proof that his grandma would actually get the help she needs.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 8:44 am
    BaileyBot you're a LIAR and you'll get backfired, I swear on it. You're also dumb in so many ways, I bet you're the account impersonating others, lying about them and just being useless. You are gross. You are ... Manhwaspicy

    They respond as the fake Tm is responding.

    It is a gaslighting cyber stalker.

    BaileyBot March 3, 2024 8:51 am

    Ewww you're gross and dumb! How is one person going to post in two places at the exact same time? You're stupid

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 9:07 am
    BaileyBot you're a LIAR and you'll get backfired, I swear on it. You're also dumb in so many ways, I bet you're the account impersonating others, lying about them and just being useless. You are gross. You are ... Manhwaspicy

    Don't respond anymore. They want the reactions and any comment is an reaction it seems.

    If they were sincere they would not want to talk or try to engage with me. That means what they are saying is a lie. I would avoid pedophiles, murders, and rapists at all cost. They are something wrong with those people. Cyber stalkers are included in that.
    We are saying this again. I don't want to talk or engage with cyber stalker BaileyBot that came up with another way to talk with us. I did not want to talk or engage with them before they start this fake drama.

    Please do not contact any of us again, Bailey Bot. Stop trying to talk to us. Stop gaslighting everyone about us. We will report this. This is wrong and inexcusable.
    Why would anyone want to talk to you with those false allegations and how you treat other people.

    BaileyBot March 3, 2024 9:17 am

    Report me then! You think I am scared of a pedo like you? I have the proof that you sent me inappropriate messages and I have the screenshots of your friend messaging me and insulting me! Other people have messaged me with their stories about you too! You are an evil disgusting person!

    Manhwaspicy March 3, 2024 5:01 pm
    Don't respond anymore. They want the reactions and any comment is an reaction it seems. If they were sincere they would not want to talk or try to engage with me. That means what they are saying is a lie. I wou... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    I know right! At this point they are really crazy in the head. They should seek mental help immediately. What is a minor even doing in these sites??? And then you’re playing victim card? Stupid liar! Disgusting.

    Meli March 3, 2024 7:18 pm
    why the fuck are u even mad like??? its true, his a stranger, plus he jst looks evil underneath that quirky ass smile, oh and in ch.49 he lost his temper..... the fuck? sagwapearls

    Dude, she’s mad because no one agrees with her and then she starts insulting them like literally that’s not how you have an argument. It’s so immature.
    She just fetishizes rape with gay men
    And then she’s angry when everyone else refuses to do so
    She’s delusional
    Like literally, she’s so like personally attached to this webtoon
    You can’t argue with this person

    Meli March 3, 2024 7:20 pm
    dan is stupidly attached to the toxic horse and its gonna stay like that for a long time, and yeah it is just a fictional thing but some of yall treat it like its real. the job oppurtunity would have not been b... sagwapearls

    Omg I see your point
    I actually haven’t read too much, but I did read the part where jae really abuses dan

    Meli March 3, 2024 7:22 pm
    Your name is so cringe BaileyBot

    Don’t even try with that person. They’re an actual weirdo like their brain is just there for decorations
    After they read my reply, they’re gonna write seven paragraphs

    Meli March 3, 2024 7:23 pm
    BaileyBot you're a LIAR and you'll get backfired, I swear on it. You're also dumb in so many ways, I bet you're the account impersonating others, lying about them and just being useless. You are gross. You are ... Manhwaspicy

    What is wrong with you?
    They simply said that their username is cringe and I agree what is wrong with that username

    Meli March 3, 2024 7:25 pm
    I know right! At this point they are really crazy in the head. They should seek mental help immediately. What is a minor even doing in these sites??? And then you’re playing victim card? Stupid liar! Disgusti... Manhwaspicy

    You’re actually such a crappy person and so is your friend
    You’re both creeps and weirdos no wonder you like this webtoon so much
    It seems like since you both are active pedophiles, you definitely love to watch things like rape
    Fucking weirdos
    There’s a special place in hell for ugly people like both of you

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 8:16 pm
    You’re actually such a crappy person and so is your friendYou’re both creeps and weirdos no wonder you like this webtoon so muchIt seems like since you both are active pedophiles, you definitely love to wat... Meli

    "Dude, she’s mad because no one agrees with her"
    - Is she mad? And many agree with her. That is trying to make her feel alienated and wrong. That is wrong and inexcusable.

    "and then she starts insulting them like literally that’s not how you have an argument. It’s so immature."
    -You are doing this to others. You are right is immature.

    "She just fetishizes rape with gay men"
    False you are imposing positions on her to insult her and attack her. Your attacking on people you deem to love Jinx is wrong. I have never said my opinion. You assumed and made an ass out of yourself. You are embarrassing yourself. People fetishizing rape fantasies is healthy and commonly said by sex experts. Facts are against your opinion. I am reporting what they said, I am not sharing my beliefs or that I support that. It is objective reporting.

    You are on and on about her emotions. That is a trolling tactic. You are the one being delusional and triggered on a story you have not read. You have no opinion here. How can you claim she is wrong when she has read the story?

    "Like literally, she’s so like personally attached to this webtoon"
    _assuming to attack her.

    "You can’t argue with this person"
    Why are you trying to argue? And it seems you are talking about yourself since you scoop to ad hominins and attacks.

    "I actually haven’t read too much, but I did read the part where jae really abuses dan"

    - You can not have an opinion here. Your opinion is not validated and is unhelpful.

    "Don’t even try with that person. They’re an actual weirdo like their brain is just there for decorations"

    _ "Name-calling: the use of abusive names to belittle or humiliate another person.
    the use of offensive names especially to win an argument or to induce rejection or condemnation (as of a person or project) without objective consideration of the facts. Name-calling during an argument is often a sign of emotional escalation.

    Because they have run out of intelligent and creative ways to defeat the other person in the argument . Immaturity - some people never grow up. Communication breakdown is often caused by poor communication and poor anger coping skills, which leads to name-calling and insults. It is an immature person’s method of dealing with frustration.

    Emotionally mature people understand that name-calling and insults are counterproductive when it comes to solving issues. because they want to control you by making you feel less, to make your ability to win the argument because they want you to be less secure in what you're arguing about

    It's a power move

    Name-calling is drawing at straws trying to get the other person started name-calling them back and lowering the playing field for both of them."

    "After they read my reply, they’re gonna write seven paragraphs "
    - power move. That is disgusting what you did by the way. So what. you are on a site to read. I naturally write long paragraphs. Stop being abusive.

    "What is wrong with you? "

    Yes, what is wrong with you? You are trying to be right without reading the story and alienating her? That is what a loser would do.

    "They simply said that their username is cringe and I agree what is wrong with that username"
    They did more than that. They made false allegations. My username is not cringe and you can't have an opinion. Please mature. There is nothing wrong with my user name. If you have a problem with it, you are a hater or a bad-faith actor. Your opinions do not matter or have value for how you are handling yourself.

    "You’re actually such a crappy person and so is your friend"

    When you judge others, you don't define them, you define you. You are talking about yourself. We are not your punching bag or doormats for your bad behavior. What you are doing is crappy. You are being crappy and abusive.

    "You’re both creeps and weirdos no wonder you like this webtoon so much"

    We are not defined by your petty lame insults or by false accusations. It defines you.
    It seems like since you both are active pedophiles, you definitely love to watch things like rape
    Fucking weirdos
    There’s a special place in hell for ugly people like both of you"

    You have no logical arguments. You resort to petty insults, and force positions on us to attack us with no evidence. You are talking about yourself and the toxic cyber stalker you are defending. .
    I think both of you are attacking others for being pedophiles and love fantasy rape when it is you two that are active pedophiles and love real rape. You attack others for it so you don't look suspicious.
    What you did was show you have no arguments, you are a hater and are here to harm others with gaslighting and lies to feel better about yourself and hide yourself as an active pedophile, and that you love real rape. Why else would you impose positions and lie when the truth does not support you and your petty claims? Stop being abusive. Your arguments arent logical You are not a strong debater or even debating.

    You can only insult, use petty name-calls, and make false allegations. How immature and toxic. You are more toxic than the story. It is a fantasy. We are real people you are trying to harm with your lies and gaslighting.
    Hell does not exist but if it does I will not be there, that special place is for you and Baileybot for how you lie and gaslight others. Stop harassing people who love this series and educate yourself on what rape is. And educate yourself with this.
    Stop and be a better person. Glow up.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 8:25 pm
    I know right! At this point they are really crazy in the head. They should seek mental help immediately. What is a minor even doing in these sites??? And then you’re playing victim card? Stupid liar! Disgusti... Manhwaspicy

    You are so right. Who treats people this way? Rape is a hideous crime. I condemn rape and I condemn pedophiles. They can't change and they need to be locked up for life or the death penalty.
    It is gross how gen z bad faith actors and other users on this site treat others. They do need that mental help and fast.
    They are being stupid and embarrassing themselves. I wished I could be there when they feel embarrassed about this and know they were wrong to treat others this way. But tbh by that time I would probably forgotten them This is all over a webtoon. One webtoon and one opinion. how stupid.
    I don't know why minors are on this page or these sites. They are embarrassing themselves for playing that victim card. They are not even human. What human would treat others like this and believe in gaslighting and who stands with a cyberstalker? Haters. Bad faith actors. cyberbullies. cyberstalkers. Why does Jinx have so many drama-causing immature cyberbullies?

    Manhwaspicy March 3, 2024 10:23 pm
    Dude, she’s mad because no one agrees with her and then she starts insulting them like literally that’s not how you have an argument. It’s so immature.She just fetishizes rape with gay menAnd then she’s... Meli

    First off, your stupid ass is lying about me bc girllll I never insulted anyone. That user is the one being immature. You are also disgusting for assuming such terms just bc someone doesn’t agree with you. Your logic is quite stupid though. Since when did it become a crime to be attached to films/webtoon/etc?? If I love horror films, does that automatically make me a bad person? Are you perhaps new to Bl you dumb fuck?!

    You are disgusting. You are unreasonable. You are not being mature. You’re acting like BaileyBot who lies about people! You are a PEDO.

    As MD says, your words can never define me, they define who you truly are as a person and that’s right back at you. Grow tf up!

    Manhwaspicy March 3, 2024 10:25 pm
    What is wrong with you? They simply said that their username is cringe and I agree what is wrong with that username Meli

    Could you Stfu? you don't know the full story. I advise you start to mind your business, Meli.

    Manhwaspicy March 3, 2024 10:31 pm
    You’re actually such a crappy person and so is your friendYou’re both creeps and weirdos no wonder you like this webtoon so muchIt seems like since you both are active pedophiles, you definitely love to wat... Meli

    I love JINX and I am PROUD. I love POTN and I am PROUD. I love PEARL BOY and I am PROUD. I love ROSES AND CHAMPAYNE and I am PROUD.

    What is your spineless flat ass gonna do about it? Eat some fk grass at this point. You're being pathetic.

    It's giving “tell me you're a die-hard hater without actually telling me you're a die-hard hater”. You could also give a comment on how you talk about how proud you are to be a hater. At least I read something I actually like instead of torturing and wasting your life away with something you loathe with passion.


    Manhwaspicy March 3, 2024 10:32 pm
    Meli, "Dude, she’s mad because no one agrees with her" - Is she mad? And many agree with her. That is trying to make her feel alienated and wrong. That is wrong and inexcusable. "and then she starts insulti... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Thanks for backing me up! These people are fk crazy.

    Manhwaspicy March 3, 2024 10:33 pm
    Meli, "Dude, she’s mad because no one agrees with her" - Is she mad? And many agree with her. That is trying to make her feel alienated and wrong. That is wrong and inexcusable. "and then she starts insulti... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    If they wanna be crazy, then I'm gonna show them who the real crazy is. Bunch of wolves.

    Manhwaspicy March 3, 2024 10:35 pm
    You are so right. Who treats people this way? Rape is a hideous crime. I condemn rape and I condemn pedophiles. They can't change and they need to be locked up for life or the death penalty. It is gross how gen... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    I relate with you so bad. Can't with these she-wolves…

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 12:45 am

    Eww not the misogyny coming out. Must suck to be a misogynist pedo defender who likes abusive relationships.

    Meli March 4, 2024 3:36 am
    First off, your stupid ass is lying about me bc girllll I never insulted anyone. That user is the one being immature. You are also disgusting for assuming such terms just bc someone doesn’t agree with you. Yo... Manhwaspicy

    How am I a pedo
    I JUST turned 18