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tomyacha February 29, 2024 7:52 am

Tbh I’d probably hold off a wedding if you’ve only been together for a year, but then again, I’m glad that the volume still continues! “Marriage isn’t the finish line” indeed! Usually, most manga ends when the characters get together and tie the knot. Here we get to see more of their married life! Looking forward to the domestic vibes and not just work

    Carmel February 29, 2024 8:49 am

    Honestly idk why people wait so long to get married, how are you gonna do everything a married couple does But not marry? Only exception is if one young in my opinion

    kitty March 1, 2024 3:07 am
    Honestly idk why people wait so long to get married, how are you gonna do everything a married couple does But not marry? Only exception is if one young in my opinion Carmel

    because divorces are expensive lmao