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It feels like there is missing a chapter. Not just because the smut scene is skipped, but ...

Meli February 29, 2024 8:56 am

It feels like there is missing a chapter. Not just because the smut scene is skipped, but because it feels like plot is missing.

Edit because people missunderstand me or want to argue: I am not saying videos of child abuse don't exist. I am saying that the term "cp" is missued for centuries and other countries changed the term for years already. Porn is a video from consenting adults. Videos of real rape and/or filmed without consent are not porn. It's sexual abuse. The term porn reduces everything to the sexual act and sex is something natural and okay. Abuse is not porn.
Additionally if you can't distinguish between fiction (writen or drawn) and reality, then nobody of you should read anything on this website.

And don't come at me with "Do yOu WanNa rEAd CP?!" CP doesn't exist. Video and picture material of child abuse and r*pe exist and that is never ever porn. Porn is from people who can give consent, everything else is sa.
