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Penelope is so strong bc I would have taken myself out by now (yes I've read the novel but...

ratsinasubway February 28, 2024 8:55 pm

Penelope is so strong bc I would have taken myself out by now (yes I've read the novel but I said what I said) like girl is fighting and struggling to the very last second she has 3 days left and she is still TRYING SO HARD to survive and I couldn't. I've been STRESSED out by just reading Penelope's journey. Live it? Couldn't pay me enough. 10 million dollars if I beat the game? I'll stay poor. In fact, I'd rather be unemployed.

On a side note though, I love Emily, I would kill for Emily

    Catgomoo March 2, 2024 11:56 am

    You're so funny. Where did you read the novel by the way?

    Nimhun March 4, 2024 11:24 pm

    Please please please tell me the ending! I can no longer read this for the sake of my mental health and sanity. I want to end this torture.

    Jechk March 5, 2024 6:18 am

    gurl with everything she endured in that game, 10 million dont even seem fitting. that compensation needs at LEAST to be a billion.

    ratsinasubway March 25, 2024 9:18 am
    Please please please tell me the ending! I can no longer read this for the sake of my mental health and sanity. I want to end this torture. Nimhun

    CAN DO!! obvious spoiler alert
    Penelope and Callisto get married and have a daughter. She also gets closure with her family from her old life and severs her ties to her modern world body which makes it to where she can never go back. Penelope is the most hands off Empress I've ever seen and I love her for that. Politics? Penelope would never oh and she keeps in touch with the duke and Reynold but as far as I remember doesn't speak to Derek. Eckles went missing during the final battle and when Penelope runs into him again he pretends to have amnesia and acts like he doesn't know who she is and they part ways and don't run into each other again. It takes everything in Penelope's power to keep Callisto from killing him later. Yvonne dies which is fine because real Yvonne died when she was first kidnapped. The Yvonne we know is just a Laila who body snatched a child. Actually, real Yvonne's backstory is so tragic I felt so bad for her. I forgot what happened to Winter id have to reread for his ending.

    ratsinasubway March 25, 2024 9:20 am
    gurl with everything she endured in that game, 10 million dont even seem fitting. that compensation needs at LEAST to be a billion. Jechk

    Nah cause you're so right 10 billion or bust

    Jechk March 25, 2024 12:50 pm
    CAN DO!! obvious spoiler alert........Penelope and Callisto get married and have a daughter. She also gets closure with her family from her old life and severs her ties to her modern world body which makes it t... ratsinasubway

    does derek regret, or does it drive him crazy, or at least pains him that penelope isnt speaking to him? also idk if i just missed it here but when do we know that derek feels that type of way for penelope? like i feel like as manhwa readers, we just know this bc novel readers said thats the case on the novel. is it made clear later on (and honestly i'd love for callisto to bash his head or sumn). sorry for the questions, and dont feel pressured to answer them haha.

    ratsinasubway March 25, 2024 7:44 pm
    does derek regret, or does it drive him crazy, or at least pains him that penelope isnt speaking to him? also idk if i just missed it here but when do we know that derek feels that type of way for penelope? lik... Jechk

    Oh Derek lmao so I'd need to reread since I Lowkey don't care about Derek but I don't remember him ever confirming he loves Penelope in a romantic manner. It is blatantly obvious to us as readers (manhwa only or otherwise). I planned to do a reread anyway so I'll do it later today to see more on Derek lol I will say that up to now the manhwa artist has been extremely fantastic on their adaptation. The novel and the manhwa barely have a difference other than some instances of showing Penelope's past. In that, Penelope's past is actually tougher than we see in the manhwa. Like the scene where she comes home beaten in the modern world, we get to read her actually get beaten. And it is more clear that the drinking next to the corpse of her mom was actually modern day Penelope not game Penelope. Some of Penelope's emotions are a bit clearer in the novel as well but this is one of the few adaptations I love because there's barely any issues with it and the novel. Callisto doesn't bash his head in but there is an absolutely cathartic scene where he tears into her entire family for being pieces of shit and even tells them he's taking Penelope away from them bc he's not gonna leave her to their abuse. It's beautiful and following the pacing of this season we'll probably see it in the beginning of next season.

    ratsinasubway March 26, 2024 9:58 am
    does derek regret, or does it drive him crazy, or at least pains him that penelope isnt speaking to him? also idk if i just missed it here but when do we know that derek feels that type of way for penelope? lik... Jechk

    So they released a special side story and update on Derrick (I forgot how they spell his name lol) so they do still interact and he even gets to see her and Callistos kid, Judith, when they go and visit the dukes estate. So to update some of what I said she didn't talk to the Duke, Reynold or Derrick for 5 years lmao Then when she was getting ready to marry Callisto, per the empires customs, she had to visit her family and get the last items she left behind to take them to the palace. She decides to reconnect with the family during the visit and the Duke and Pennel are the first ones of the Eckharts to learn she's pregnant. The Duke almost starts a coup over it the Duke and Reynold seem to be closest to her kid though but Derrick apparently makes an effort to at least be polite to Judith. I'm over here completely gaslighting myself about Derrick not existing when the story ends oh! Winter update, he's Judith's magic teacher. All's well that seems to end well in my opinion. For mostly everyone because Yvonne (real Yvonne not the fake we know right now) is going to get reincarnated
    (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ so yeah full happy ends for everyone I guess except maybe Eckles but he's free from slavery and persecution and he has the opportunity to choose what path he wants as long as it's unrelated to Penelope lol which I think is a good end for him actually

    Jechk March 26, 2024 10:33 am
    So they released a special side story and update on Derrick (I forgot how they spell his name lol) so they do still interact and he even gets to see her and Callistos kid, Judith, when they go and visit the duk... ratsinasubway

    thank u so much for this update <3