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Why so much hate?

Coco_loco February 28, 2024 6:53 pm

Okay, I might get some of it. But...

I feel like it's also getting slightly better in terms of plot, we learn a little more in s2 and the author said that there will be more plot going forward.

If you manage to read through s1, the story kinda starts to grow on you (I dropped this like 3 times before finally reading through the whole thing until now).

What saves this the best IMO are the character designs and the overall art because it's immaculate. I do wish we'd learn a little bit more of the story considering it was originally meant to be around 100 chapters long (we're halfway through and not many things happened yet).

In terms of the s*x scenes - it's definitely recognizable that the author enjoys drawing them but after a while, they start to feel too prolonged (IMO). Good for you if you're kinky, into this and whatever but for those seeking plot, it usually takes 3-4 chapters after the start of a smut scene to get to the end and (maybe) learn something new about the story.

There are numerous questions that should be answered and considering we're almost 60 chapters in (if I count in the raws as well), not many have been answered and I can't wait to learn...for example....
~ Where did Leon come from? (Leon's past will definitely be answered)
~ What happened to Dark Fall?
~ How come the main 4 can't reproduce and need to impregnate Leon, yet when Deus visited Mephisto after he got attacked, it's stated that Mephisto keeps tabs on all creatures born in Dark Fall? So do they reproduce or not? The whole thing is confusing. Do the others just poof out of thin air and consider that as being born?
~ How did Leon lose his powers? (this will definitely be answered)
~ How come Nergal and Cliff are so similar? (maybe their design is purposely done in a similar way to make it easier to have Leon confuse Nergal with Cliff to add tension...)

Anyway... it's actually a good read if you skip the smut scenes but even they are beautifully drawn. The author is undoubtedly talented. Wish that their health would improve so we would get more regular releases but whatever...
