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reread the first arc again so i’m commenting once more. the greatest example of “unus...

misterchan February 27, 2024 10:31 am

reread the first arc again so i’m commenting once more. the greatest example of “unusual punishment.” aeroc deserved to be punished for what he did, even though it may have been “unintentional.” however, his crimes really did not fit the punishment. i mean, being forced to change your identity, get raped repeatedly, beaten, forced to be pregnant and bear six children, etc. is on a whole different level imo…

    mari ❤ February 27, 2024 7:46 pm

    that's what I've been trying to say! it's not like aeroc's some evil terrible person that enjoyed what he did, it was more like a mistake (a HUGE mistake, but a mistake nonetheless) and he clearly felt guilt and sadness over it even before kloff did any of his revenge. so people claiming that this level of punishment and revenge from kloff is justified are talking crazy. yes, aeroc should receive some kind of punishment for his actions, but not this wtf.

    and also, let's not pretend as if kloff is actually doing all of this in the name of justice or revenge. he's mostly doing it because of his sick twisted obssession with aeroc and revenge is just kloff's excuse to do whatever he wants to him

    UnfriendlyPasserby February 28, 2024 2:33 am

    Just Klop living out his perverted fantasy which he didn't dare admit under the banner of revenge and retribution he even admitted himself tho I don't remember which chap. The hate on him didn't come from nothing

    misterchan February 28, 2024 11:16 am
    that's what I've been trying to say! it's not like aeroc's some evil terrible person that enjoyed what he did, it was more like a mistake (a HUGE mistake, but a mistake nonetheless) and he clearly felt guilt an... mari ❤

    i agree. even if clough is doing this in the name of justice, is he really in the position to do that? bro is not batman

    jokes aside the grayness of this story correlates with the subjectivity and variety of opinions from the audience. does aeroc deserve this punishment? should it have been less? more? is what clough did justified? or is he a monster like the one he despisss? who is in the right and wrong? really makes up for some great thinking and discussion.

    but truly lawfully and morally speaking, aeroc didn’t deserve to go through the hell he did

    misterchan February 28, 2024 11:19 am
    Just Klop living out his perverted fantasy which he didn't dare admit under the banner of revenge and retribution he even admitted himself tho I don't remember which chap. The hate on him didn't come from nothi... UnfriendlyPasserby

    don’t know anything about a fantasy, but i do believe novel readers were saying it was pretty clear clough intentionally got interested in raphiel because he liked aeroc. it’s like when a straight guy is denying the rainbow inside him and in turn becomes hella homophobic.