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Many things i want to say about the story

Suibian^^ February 27, 2024 12:42 am

First it makes no sense to get angry for the infidelity for, 1- It was a contractual marriage just because the gradma needed someone to help protect the hotel. 2- they never had intercourse, and in some places that could be considered for the divorce. 3- there wasn't emotional responsibility, no comminment on both parts, so i can't completely blame her.
But i do blame her for her prejuice against Eizer, wanting to ridicule him, when he was doing the work she couldn’t do saving her ass so she could live in luxury. She was just making a fool of herself in front of everyone, she was a kid throwing a tantrum. The nickmane he gives her "pampered little princess" is pretty accurate.

I think if the story where like remarried empress, whith feelings, trust and comminment on they both, just for one to cheat and turn his back on her, that hurts more. Still she wasn't very helpfull either, there was no communication between them, maybe because they thought they knew each other well. Her second marriage wouldn't have worked if it wasn't for her husband and she wanting to repay his attentions to her.

    Heu77 February 29, 2024 6:23 pm

    Gosh the double standards. Carcel from another WEBTOON got hated so much for “infidelity” even though he was forced into the marriage as a kid by a grown ass manipulative woman in a kid body and brought up whatever excuses to hate on him.

    Not saying you’re part of them but double standards irk me.

    Thanks for pointing her behavior out too, she’s really childish although she seems to be doing better now. Love to see progress.

    And I still can’t believe Serena didn’t have sex(?). Cause now it’s said that she’s a virgin and it’s just so hard to get in head cause we’ve seen her moves with Frederick. Looked too natural and comfortable between them even though they were fake lovers, and they were also naked in the bed which is unnecessary.

    Suibian^^ March 1, 2024 6:41 am

    Serena being so intimate with Frédérick at the begining speak for itself but then the autor goes 'i fooled you all, nothing happend' 'she is so innocent and a pure lady' it makes no sense.
    It feels the autor just wanted to make her a pure innocent lady to fit korean standars and make the story more romantic. I was also like, haha ok if you say so.
    To me It wouldn't matter if it wasn't her first time just with the fact that it's their first since their marriage because they now like/love each other is enough.

    Heu77 March 1, 2024 6:52 am
    Serena being so intimate with Frédérick at the begining speak for itself but then the autor goes 'i fooled you all, nothing happend' 'she is so innocent and a pure lady' it makes no sense. It feels the autor ... Suibian^^

    Exactly. Their marriage started on the wrong foot, now it’s progressing. Even if she did have a lover, they werent committed to each other or at least Serena didn’t agree.

    xzyb32 March 1, 2024 6:31 pm
    Serena being so intimate with Frédérick at the begining speak for itself but then the autor goes 'i fooled you all, nothing happend' 'she is so innocent and a pure lady' it makes no sense. It feels the autor ... Suibian^^

    I agree with maybe the author changing Serena being a virgin to make her seem innocent and clueless and have the situation be more meaningful with Eiser. It was unnecessary to have the intimate part at the beginning.