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My chest is so heavy after i read this!!

AngstLovers_ButNoInfidelity January 11, 2017 6:17 pm

This is so depressing this isn't pure yaoi,pure shoujo,or even pure angst everything left hanging and felt unsatisfying, aaargh i felt like crying,rolling on the ground and throwing up, for many times i get very diasppointed and hope get parsial amnesia with this kind of story, i hate every man that smiliar with ibuki in every manga,anime,film even real life arrrgh why i read this?? You know my shattered beyond repair, even this is finally has good ending it can't heal my wound heart
I'm sorry i didn't mean to insult the author, this is not author fault but the one which wrong is my fate that i read this story this night, god please have mercy!! (/TДT)/
