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Final thoughts ( I love all of them)

Hnnh_Mirai February 24, 2024 5:05 pm

S1- I love how it started in this season and how its Taehee and Dojin, if we are gonna uncover more of a character's personality I think this is the best way to introduce them. Season one is light but intruiging, its also not too shallow and not too deep. I love the author's mind 'cause they are really able to show their characters'  personality. Dojin is charismatic in his own way, a nice person who is always there for others but still has a built a wall between him. He is a perfect pair for our Taehee. Our Taehee is indifferent to others but passionate to the things and person they like, he is as straightforward as a bull. The plot is also not fast nor slow, it shows the important points and was not dragging. Overall and contrary to other people saying S1 is not that great, I think it was a perfect opening and the story telling was impressive, you wont hate the characters and gonna miss them if its over.

S2- Upon initial introduction of the chracters I would say Yeonwu is the type to follow pleasure over reason and is a masochist; being a pastors son would wind him up to think that he will never receive affection and warmth from others since he hasnt had that in his own home. Taehwan is a sociable guy hiding his true self so he could be still be with others, he has anger issues and homophobic, also he has sadistic tendencies. However their current actions from the beginning thru the climax of the season were the byproduct of their past experiences from childhood. I love the complexity of these two characters  'cause it shows how different they are to Taehee and Dojin who are both explicit about their emotions (open book type). All thru out season 2 Taehwan and Yeonwu showed great character development. Yeonwu learned to love and respect himself first before others, and Taehwan to be true to himself, acknowledge his wrongdoings,  and care about how his actions would affect someone especially the person he loves. Tbh I really like Taehwan's character 'cause he can reflect many others in our world, he was, tramatized, scarred, scared, lonely, and the eldest son of an asian household. He has so much pain and pressure but no one to rely on. Yeonwu is such a miracle for him. I swear they're literal soulmates.

S3- This season is the closing of the wounds type of season. Altho Taehwan and Yeonwu had been together in the beginning of the season, there are still unspoken trauma and unhealed scars between them. In order for them to be stronger individually and as a couple they need to talk it out. Sharing it thru and being by their side while your special someone is going thru, it surely removed the thorn on their throats. Taehee, Dojin, Emma  and the Tae bros parents support all thru out was superb. I love their healing process fr. I for sure will re-read this.(▰˘◡˘▰)
