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Help me find this bl!

Banana February 21, 2024 4:06 am

I only remember a little bit of the ending

The uke and the seme attend some sort of event at a nice place, semes brother pulls uke aside/lures him with the weapon plans. Time skip later (I forgot what happens here) the seme comes and saves the uke from the brother and gets the plans back, then arrests/outs the brother for being a canibal and then gets mad at uke for endangering himself. Sry this is all I remember, it was a yaoi tho. Also for like the last quarter (maybe) of the story the brother chased/followed/wanted the uke bc he liked his blood or somethin i don’t rlly remember or just wanted to mess with his brother idk

Additional info
-I read it last year or late 2022 and it was completed at the time

-had a good rating I believe 9+ and wasn’t too popular but had at least over 100 votes at the time

- probably from a popular list or a YouTube/tiktok rec

-was colored

-has a decent amount of action

-had a happy ending

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Feel free to ask any questions that may help others find this bl I will do my best to answer the ones I can

Day 11
