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Acala February 20, 2024 4:48 pm

why is it that romance must be included in everything? Its so disappointing when the plot is finally getting good then boom romance takes over the chapters and now im left skipping through useless dialogues and chapters that should be filled with action instead, I'm fine with omance, he'll I love tragic lovestruck with my whole being but what i cannot stand is the forced romance. Geez, just one book where girls can have a chill friendship with the ml please? It's getting old. I really don't wanna see a female character whole blushes and falls in love just cuz the mc treated her nice once, I hate the hare's and even crazier when the male characters are all armored up looking hella dripped out, the girls are basically half naked and just dont fit in?? "S classes that i raised" is a really good example how the female characters can be, SO WELL WRITTEN, SO FUN TO SEE AND NO FORCED ROMANTIC UNDERTONES!

    loser February 20, 2024 5:34 pm

    buddy i think you should be posting this on forums not questions

    Shoto's waifu February 20, 2024 5:50 pm

    Lmaooo honestly yes, I agree, especially when I didn't read the tags and it turns out to be a harem, cuz sometimes there's no chemistry at all ??? Are they really that desperate or what

    Acala February 20, 2024 5:56 pm
    buddy i think you should be posting this on forums not questions loser

    Idk how to.

    Nobody February 20, 2024 7:24 pm

    The king’s avatar is the only story I can think of that boys and girls are just friends with no romantic undertones (one might argue that there may be a childhood Iove interest, but at least to me it’s more familial than romantic).
    Overall though, that is one story where romance is not a plot point at all.