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( ; _ ; )/~~~

Mia February 20, 2024 4:10 pm

Why do some people hate the duke and the older bro so much? The previous soul literally conspired with her other bro to murder the heir to the dukedom!

Even if she was used, she previously kidnapped the OgFl, the adopted daughter of a 'Noble' and the love of her older bro, of coz they would not have believed her.

Her treatment and negligence in the past was because she did not speak up and the misunderstanding piled up. Also add the fact that the soul switching causing them to hate her.

So, please don't hate them so much. They are treating her so well now. (´・_・`)

    Pandora_7 February 22, 2024 8:04 am

    It's the soul peoples fault for goofing up.

    Oh makes me think that Sia version in her right body, ooooof how that gonna end up if that dad pops up. Like they don't have that wrong soul hatred thing anymore. Is going to suddenly feel regret and love now? That's gonna be weird as heck.