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SPOILERS: I skimmed the novel and the snake spirit is indeed, the ML. BYE YALL. �...

Pandaii February 20, 2024 8:37 am


I skimmed the novel and the snake spirit is indeed, the ML. BYE YALL.

    Lix Liz February 20, 2024 5:35 pm

    I wont lie, I’ve encountered hella stories where main characters have had like up to ten years in difference and it was unlikable but the plot makes you accept them but for this one. This one feels like to much. At least in others the weirdos and perverts only saw the younger one as a friend but the one here SPECIFICALLY thought of her as his daughter and child. Like he used his own words and said it. This is too weird and nasty ughhh

    666titania February 20, 2024 6:18 pm
    I wont lie, I’ve encountered hella stories where main characters have had like up to ten years in difference and it was unlikable but the plot makes you accept them but for this one. This one feels like to mu... Lix Liz

    So true, in other manhwas usually the age gap is just few years but in this manhwa the ML literally met and raise the FL when she was a baby.