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It's been a while but....

otakumalade February 18, 2024 3:22 pm

I was really disappointed when I heard who was the ml. Why do this manhwa always make mc end up with someone she hates.
It's not even enemies to lovers. It's two traumatized kids who are in forced proximity. I can't even hate rudiger because he's behaving like a lost duckling after going through horrible shit. But that doesn't mean that mc doesn't have trauma too. when she lash out every time, at first I'm like he's just a kid and then I think about her past life and it gets complicated. You can't just force someone to love you.
When they're together,I get so annoyed every time. Instead of healing, they're just bashed together at every scene to do what ? Idk. It's crazy when she has more chemistry with the blond prince.
I like them both but not together.
Idk if I will continue this.

    Nikki February 19, 2024 12:11 am

    Same but idk like the politics so I’m am staying for that but people are going crazy over the ml and Fl. They judge her so harshly. For ml it’s either love or hate, it’s crazy.

    It’s just trauma everywhere and everyone is still young and growing ( or healing from the past for Fl) like jeez. Let the characters breathe. It shouldn’t be this bad already, they are still kids

    otakumalade February 19, 2024 6:11 am

    I'm staying for the drama with her family at this point.