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Read the raws. It's not worth the wait. It's best to read the raws since the art is pret...

Iamcute February 15, 2024 3:48 pm

Read the raws.

It's not worth the wait. It's best to read the raws since the art is pretty understandable and from what I've read don't expect that much if you want to have it TLed.

Read the raws and get it over with. Don't expect more, you'll just end up disappointed.

Art- 100
Plot - 3 only good from chap one to three the rest? Trash. Their sex scene is questionable.

Writer just wanted to create a Femdom without a plot in mind

    E_e February 25, 2024 1:13 am

    What about the raws is so dissapointing???