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Ray February 14, 2024 1:35 pm

LMAOO IM CRYING I’VE NEVER READ THE OG NOVEL BUT A SCANDAL OVER A STOLEN PAD?? IS INSANE and dropping out of school because of it also interesting like unless it was a used pad i really don’t see the issue maybe some girl needed it

    moody_bish February 14, 2024 1:59 pm

    Kinda even more dramatic in the novel coz my guy literally snapped and had a mental breakdown. Like it could be understandable but the pad makes it hella ridiculous

    Mirage February 15, 2024 2:39 am
    Kinda even more dramatic in the novel coz my guy literally snapped and had a mental breakdown. Like it could be understandable but the pad makes it hella ridiculous moody_bish

    it's not ridiculuos at all, OG moondae is not the brightest one, even Sejin actor is more open than OG moondae, imagined a quiet kid in your school then the next you know about him is the rumor of him stealing the pads from a girl, worse thing is the girl even drop out from school, you can't think of it as ridiculous, you might think the guy himself is pervert, it makes senses even more if you never knew about the guy

    this rumor is based by the people who hates moondae, but since people around his school also knew, that's why the rumor this time is strong, in korea anything scandalous can cancel their celeb, this one included ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    moody_bish February 15, 2024 4:13 am
    it's not ridiculuos at all, OG moondae is not the brightest one, even Sejin actor is more open than OG moondae, imagined a quiet kid in your school then the next you know about him is the rumor of him stealing ... Mirage

    Not og moondae, but our new mc. He went thru a spiral of "what more of my past do i not know and how would it affect my plans? What if i dont debut because of these unknown variables and die?" Compared to how quick witted he was for the bullying case, he got stumped because he wouldnt have known about his "own" past that could bite him in the ass like this one. So im in this limbo laughing my ass out because the reason was about a pad but also admiring the fact that he finally snapped or became flustered or simply showed his own weakness.

    Esp because new moondae has almost always been a quick problem solver for the people around him. This time, he'll also have a more authentic or sincere relations with his team as they try to reach out to him.

    Mirage February 15, 2024 6:08 am
    Not og moondae, but our new mc. He went thru a spiral of "what more of my past do i not know and how would it affect my plans? What if i dont debut because of these unknown variables and die?" Compared to how q... moody_bish

    ahhh I see what you meant now, sorry for the misinterpretation before ( ̄∇ ̄"), but true,this might be the first time ever since he possessed the body that he's having a mental breakdown, first time I read I kind of teared up to see but as I rewatch it again, I felt like laughing my ass of XD, it's like "yaaahoo, finally you breakout huh, time to felt the warmth of humanity boi"..... since he didn't knew anything, pad case might looks snapped him a lot, like he felt he treats all that happens is similar to a game, then reality struck that this is killing game (≧∀≦)

    moody_bish February 15, 2024 12:37 pm

    He always took it seriously haha kinda why he categorized others as beneficial or threats. But yeah, a scandal treating him as a perv because of a pad is really funny and unexpected