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Oh darling you don't need baby you need 🎶therapy🎶.

Meow February 14, 2024 3:48 am

Oh darling you don't need baby you need therapy.

    Meow February 14, 2024 3:55 am

    I forgot to write this down in my comment. Do her view of wanting child is normal? I don't have pregnant mothers around me so idk what is come to mind when someone want to have child.

    asami ryuichi future wife April 7, 2024 2:10 pm
    I forgot to write this down in my comment. Do her view of wanting child is normal? I don't have pregnant mothers around me so idk what is come to mind when someone want to have child. Meow

    I mean it's normal the way she is thinking/breaking down kinda like imagine wanting a child so bad but instead you got miscarriages also a husband that doesn't want a child but you don't want to leave him because you love him BUT her actions like trying to get pregnant without him knowing or pressuring him to have a child when he doesn't even want one, yeah no, that's not normal. I don't think but KNOW she needs therapy with everything, the relationship with her mom, the relationship with her husband and especially with the miscarriages like damn also she needs couple therapy/counseling with her husband