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Bet wagers

Fabzie08 February 14, 2024 3:37 am

Who was ready to bet with me that one of the brothers were dogdy and I was leaning towards the weak one! Now I know it’s not a full confirmation but Urgh when he said he lives next to the city victim looks after! The same city the kids are disappearing from!! I was like to myself, if he’s so weak how has he managed to survive so long… by absorbing the lives of the youth..oop lemme not, it could still be the other brother who was gonna set up the weak brother for the fall but decided to take out some competition instead, then my brain was like, wait dude, victim was just a trusted dog in the future not competition… then viktir goes on to remember how he was the weak ones bodyguard and I was like…. Sooo you’re saying you were close to him and you didn’t see anything, oh so maybe the older brother set viktir up to get at the weak one, ooorr the weak one was worried viktir would see too much, or used him as a sacrifice…
Speaking of sacrifice… what if… the weak one has magic, and if he did like viktir, maybe he sent him back to kill their father, maybe he already had plans to take down the eldest brother but needed the dad full out of the way, what better plan than to send a loyal mission tunnelling dog to do your job for you…
When viktir felt the demonic presence I knew it had to be Set but I still don’t want to rule out Osiris, but I sure that’s how set is surviving and feeding the demon sacrifices to survive, but what’s hi— OMG THE WAR AGAINST DEMONS! Remember in the future how a I dunno dimension hole brought demons through in numbers they weren’t ready for and it was a constant fight, that the priests doing mega prays to make the fight equal, what if that’s what Set is doing! And what if he started earlier this time, because of the plague thing not being successful meant not enough deaths could ‘naturally’ occur….
Shut sorry my brain is firing on all cilindres. I’m likely waayyy off but I had fun guessing!
