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genuine question..

IHEARTMANWHA February 13, 2024 7:56 am

why does a manga that already has chapters, being updated and then randomly gets “official chapters”, i mean i kinda see the point but yall got me excited thinking the NEW chapters are out :,) .

    Miya February 13, 2024 3:13 pm

    The one that's not official chapters are fan translation. Manga/manhwa are published in their first language such as kr and jp, then later be translated by the publisher or site bcs of demand or such. And here if a manga/hwa gets official chapter, someone will upload them so readers will have better translation (some cases the fan translation is better tho)

    Hope this helps!

    IHEARTMANWHA February 14, 2024 4:22 am
    The one that's not official chapters are fan translation. Manga/manhwa are published in their first language such as kr and jp, then later be translated by the publisher or site bcs of demand or such. And here ... Miya
