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Like someone else said his display age is all over the place. One place says 16, another s...

ThotChocolate February 12, 2024 8:08 pm

Like someone else said his display age is all over the place. One place says 16, another says 18, he's probably in his mid 20's. I mean, this is the red light district and he is doing sexual services. A lot of creeps would want him if he was in his teens like that, thus more money so the bosses make it seem like he's younger than he is.

ALSO HE'S WORKING TO PAY OFF HIS DEBT, EVEN THE HOST IS IN THE SEX TRADE AND KISSING CLIENTS AND ALL THAT SHIT. I wouldn't be surprised if he even slept with clients. Plus, yeah the host acts like he likes the mc (which he actually does) the mc doesn't explicitly know this. We have to remember that all the mc has done in is life is take care of his step brother, who seems to be a very careless idiot. Apparently he's been in a gang, he's lived a life of hardship. How is he supposed to believe a sneaky guy who works as a host, who just keeps a poker face all the time? Then he hears that phone conversation? If I heard that phone conversation I'd break all ties no matter what they actually feel. We have to remember: Mc's goal is clearing the debt quickly even if HE DOESN'T LIKE IT.

    boop February 13, 2024 1:24 am

    i think his display said he was 16 cause it was when he was dressed up as a highschool student. so my guess is that the display age is some sort of role play thing, i’m not 100% sure tho :)

    ThotChocolate February 13, 2024 2:58 am
    i think his display said he was 16 cause it was when he was dressed up as a highschool student. so my guess is that the display age is some sort of role play thing, i’m not 100% sure tho :) boop

    That's what I'm thinking too!!

    Kittykat March 1, 2024 5:46 am
    i think his display said he was 16 cause it was when he was dressed up as a highschool student. so my guess is that the display age is some sort of role play thing, i’m not 100% sure tho :) boop

    yeah it is, its for the pedophiles its a serious issue

    ThotChocolate March 1, 2024 7:01 am
    yeah it is, its for the pedophiles its a serious issue Kittykat

    It's disgusting honestly.