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I'm JUST saying

somnia February 12, 2024 6:57 pm

Perhaps mc's "instinctual" loyalty was mispresented on accident, especially bc we as readers know little to nothing about the characters at the beginning of the story and putting sparkles and flower-showers on their wholesome scenes gave us a vibe which was meant to be interpreted a whole other way.
Either it's an accident or meant to reel in the girlies (which honestly you're forgiven, the story is nice enough). It gets harder to claim yuri-bait after mc is so clearly portrayed as this loyal subordinate with a secret admiration for their boss type of character... also the fact that both of them got their own love interest/husband tones the yuri smell down. It made click for me when Mc went to help the Empress during her tantrum.

But honestly, let's just call it yuri-bait. The sun will stay a sun for me, even if I know that it's just a more closely situated star
