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Novel? Does it scene skip?

Morohtar February 10, 2024 8:55 pm

I am not sure if this is based on a novel, but if it IS and anyone read it, I have a question: Does the novel ALSO skip so many smaller scenes?? As if pages are missing with dialogue on them.

I noticed a few smaller moments like this, but chapter 8 really made a VERY obvious and big and unnecessary jump from MC's mother crying to her being called a traitor. WTF? XD
It feels like half a chapter of dialogue is missing, which I VERY much do not like. Skipping some minor scenes is alright with me but some webtoons have the habit of skipping the wrong scenes and as with this one, simple too much. This is very annoying when reading since it throws you off for a moment and ruins immersion, but it also doesn't clear up what happened afterward; you're just left with filling in the gap vaguely yourself. Which is not a good move for a story like this, it should have been a BIG reveal to at least get suspicious that she's someone other than a peasant, let alone a traitor. At least let them talk a bit and hint at her having knowledge only someone of her status would know or something else, let her Ladyship say something like 'We gotta talk' or 'Who are you really?', scene skip and THEN throw the traitor stuff into a speech bubble. That would have been a better choice tbh. Skipping the suspicion AND reveal AND half the talk is too much.

I'm not sure if this is a frequent issue in this comic, but it very much bothers me and I wonder if the novel (if there is one) makes the same weird skipping choices.
Would be a shame if this keeps happening, the art is great, the story interesting and the characters all seem intriguing!

Does anyone know if the novel skips this scene just the same? Or does anyone have a link?
