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FL is AAAaaaa

somnia February 10, 2024 2:49 am

I like FL's personality as a whole, but I don't like how while she's supposed to be hardened by abuse with this nonchalant face-the-challenge attitude she's actually just standing behind the duke while not doing much. By the time her "family" was dealt with I felt kinda disappointed that she came out on top as nothing more than a damsel in mild distress. For indulgence and as a self-insert that's ok ig, but like, it's wasted potential imo.

There is no arc with her. It's giving stone slab, it's giving display doll; you know what I mean? She's showing emotions, but she's so consistent that it's boring with no change in sight. It's especially disappointing bc she showed real spice at the beginning of the story only to let herself be slapped around later.
