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Guys tell me something

louis February 9, 2024 7:36 pm

I don’t understand do condom sizes really vary? Like I think in my country condom sizes are like standard and that’s the only kind that’s easily available. So when guys both in comics and irl say that they can’t use a condom cuz it won’t fit I physically recoil like dude want me put it on my foot and show you?

    louis February 9, 2024 7:39 pm

    Also used the first ‘guys’ in a gender neutral way btw

    <33 February 9, 2024 7:43 pm

    Yes there's different sizes of condoms. They do vary in size because not everyone has the same size. And even if it can stretch, friction can rip the condom inside the person & defeat the purpose of a condom.

    Yahwi's housewaifu February 9, 2024 9:05 pm

    Nah yahwi only use that one as an excuse again he wants it raw lmao

    chopin87 February 9, 2024 9:58 pm

    They do vary in sizes but its ability to stretch can go only as far as containing the genitals and having a little more space to accomodate the ejaculation. It's a piece of plastic after all and if you stretch it too much it breaks. Also do not underestimate the pressure it puts on the male organs, too much pressure will likely kill the blood flow and the overall erection basically killing the mood. The excuse is not a valid one not in comics or in IRL, as a man you should always have at the very least one with you because your partner cannot know your size in advance nor can she use any contraceptive that is as quick, as secure and with less drawbacks than the condom. So whoever says that, no matter the contest, is actually just a lazy douchebag.