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As much as I love idols, I very strongly believe they shouldn’t give into parasocial rel...

Neco-chan February 9, 2024 6:13 am

As much as I love idols, I very strongly believe they shouldn’t give into parasocial relationships. For example when idols go live there will be chats saying ‘please marry me!’ Or ‘I wanna be ur wife’ kind of bullshit, idols shouldn’t read those message and go ‘sure when should we get married?’ While some of these comments come from innocent fans, some also come from delusional fans, like the chili shrimp lady, who delude reality from fiction. This causes stalking or even death threats because their fantasy isn’t met. Most stalker aren’t always a past resentful partner. U may have smiled at someone on the street or just looked into someone’s eye and they pictured a whole life with u. That’s how most stalking, especially for celebrities/idols start.
I just wish the managing companies would take stricter actions on how they want their idols to interact with their fans. Especially with new debuting idols who r as young as 14 (New Jeans).
