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brookeisnotcreative February 9, 2024 2:40 am

to the people saying “i hope they kidnap jaekyung and beat his ass” i hate to say it but i think they’re gonna just kidnap dan since he seems to be the closest person to JK (technically speaking) </3

    Morning Diamonds February 9, 2024 3:00 am

    I never heard a kidnap Jaekyung theory before is it even doable with that BUILT I also hope dan bby's the one to get kidnapped :ccc

    brookeisnotcreative February 9, 2024 5:47 am
    I never heard a kidnap Jaekyung theory before is it even doable with that BUILT I also hope dan bby's the one to get kidnapped :ccc Morning Diamonds

    someone said it, but yeah it would def be hard to do unless they sneak up on him, but i don’t want dan to get kidnapped, he’s went through enough with those guys already

    Morning Diamonds February 9, 2024 10:54 am

    frr you'd have to drug jae but that already flopped LOL and I do think mingwa is going with dan kidnapped ://// but there's also the possibility of trying to buy him off for him to betray jae

    brookeisnotcreative February 14, 2024 3:35 pm
    frr you'd have to drug jae but that already flopped LOL and I do think mingwa is going with dan kidnapped ://// but there's also the possibility of trying to buy him off for him to betray jae Morning Diamonds

    truuueee! and he might actually do that now that he has a little bit of a right mind