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I don’t understand …

rainnyydays February 8, 2024 10:17 pm

Why do authors do this …? It’s not erotic, cute, or anything like that it’s just straight up rape. Is it that hard to think “hmmm…. Is it REALLY okay for someone to engage in sexual activities while the other person is dead asleep and have no idea what’s going on?” I completely understand that type of thing is a kink … but like all kinks, MUST be talked about prior and establish clear boundaries. But of course, why draw a convo where the main characters talk about their feelings and desires when you get just get to the sex ???? Just makes me hate the character who took advantage of their partner AND annoyed at the author for thinking it’s okay… like ik this is fiction but I just see this type of thing too much these days and needed to rant (︶︿︶)=凸

    Kittykat February 21, 2024 5:06 am

    they very likely dont see it as rape at all. give it up for rape culture everyone!