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sad that it ended, but it ended quite nicely

uwurie February 7, 2024 10:41 am

actually… i love how this ended. it does feel a bit sudden, but i think it wrapped things up nicely. it just felt sudden imo bc it was a bit unexpected for it to end already.

i like that they didn’t brush aside dojae’s lack of emotional understanding(?), as it was something that bothered him and the people around him. in the last few panels, where dojae says he finally feels like a normal human being, i really admire that development in his character. he has struggles to understand other people, and then he met someone whom he wanted to understand and worked towards building their relationship. i think it was a wonderful development!

    Yo another fudanshi here February 7, 2024 6:34 pm

    This, I love the story's pacing. Things didn't happen suddenly, no unecessary characters added in to create drama here and there.