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What ya think might happen later?

FUCKMAKINGACCOUNTS February 7, 2024 10:36 am

Few things for sure is that our baby Dan now realizes that his feelings is one sided and that jk literally doesn't give a fuck about him, &&&&.... HE CANT LEAVE JK BC HE NEEDS MONEY FOR GRANDMAMA. That's the one thing the majority of us had forgotten.

Knowing this, what do ya think would happen?

I think him throwing the key and note away will serve a purpose later on. I love how the author showed us that the keychain representes his feelings. Jk threw the key or his feelings down, mad or even disgusted by it. When dan picked it up, he realizes that his feelings and relationship meant nothing, and so Dan threw his feelings in the trash. He chose not to get it refunded bc there was no way to mend his broken feeling . I think jk might keep it when he sees it in the trash... which he should see it bc he belongs in the trash and not Dan's feelings. Honestly, my cute baby Dan and the representation of the key was probably the best thing the author has done. Rn, I ain't liking the plot.

I know for a fact that our baby is gonna be kidnapped by those no good hooligans. Idk how he will get out of that situation but my instinct is telling me that jk will get his jinx fucked causing him to lose, which result to jk losing his shit at Dan. I know that we all want jk to lose, but it will come back and bite Dan unless Dan is no longer in the picture, which we all know that Dan won't be out of the picture until jk boots him to the curb. and then we may get our redemption arc to which jk realizes that he got feelings for Dan (says the rich model who told Dan jk got feelings for him) & the only reason why his jinx works very well with Dan is because he fell for him??

I feel like jk may have feelings for him but I'm so mad at this fucker to the point that maybe I'm not seeing it or the author didn't do a good job if putting it in until the story switches to his perspective. The only thing I noticed from jk that may scream feelings for Dan is that one chapter when he fucked Dan in front of heesung and his constant stares at Dan. Not only that, Jk goes far to help his grandma and I wanna know why he would do that when all he gotta do is leave Dan alone with the bills and he be fine (he gets paid 14k, 10k goes to grandma so he would be left with 4k for debt). he even paid all of his debt. Was this all for his jinx? I get why Dan feel grateful to him and I would be too if I was in this situation but fuck jk still.

If ya ever get to this end, what ya think?

    BelleBChan February 7, 2024 10:59 am

    I swear, Jaekyung is too toxic. He should drink more cuz damn, how can he be such an ass every day with ANYONE

    seunghoe February 7, 2024 12:57 pm

    Wholeheartedly agree