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They are one of the most chaotic couples and I am living for it!!!! She is all over the pl...

Mayonaise_Chicken February 6, 2024 2:56 pm

They are one of the most chaotic couples and I am living for it!!!! She is all over the place and he is calm and collected not to mention her little antenna always gets me!!! I cannot stop laughing at that, you go girl!!!! The fact that she doesnt like give a shit also even while being kidnapped, and thinking as an author of a book like calling people who despise the prince Anti's I was bawling my eyes out at that!!! But you guys, please confess before doing this, my heart cant handle it!!! COME ON DO IT FOR USS!!!! But I realy want him to be the emperor... I love the blue boi and I knwo he doesnt mean bad but sorry OUR MAIN MAN I IMAGINE HIM SITTING ON THAT THRONE LOOKING AS GOOD AS HE DOES AND ITS JUSTERFIWJFLIHAKUHUKJHUQK I FREAKING LIVE FOR THAT!!! please... yeah
