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Yuki February 4, 2024 5:09 pm

After following the updates since the start, I'm dropping this after 100+ ch. I just can't stand how the author keeps portraying seth as weak guy who can't even defend himself. And a lot of the r@pe scenes are so unnecessary. At this point, I literally hate the fact that seth will end up with one of the ml while the only best ending is seth being alone or him going back to nephthys. Ppl always bring up how seth x anubis is weird since it's dad and son but seems everyone is forgetting horus is also his nephew. So still weird.
This is just my own opinion so if u enjoy this, good for u.

    JayJay (I'm back!) February 4, 2024 9:24 pm

    I can only talk about myself here but my own issue with Seth x Anubis is because I hate pairings where one character was practically "raised" by the other since they were little. It's the grooming vibes I get... I guess. I DO admit the Horus/Seth pairing DOES play a lot with the boundaries, but Horus/Seth didn't spend the same kind of time nor form the bond that Anubis/Seth did... If ISIS suddenly decided she's got the hots for the adult Anubis, I'd probably feel the same way

    陈云舟 February 6, 2024 7:50 am
    I can only talk about myself here but my own issue with Seth x Anubis is because I hate pairings where one character was practically "raised" by the other since they were little. It's the grooming vibes I get..... JayJay (I'm back!)

    seth x horus is the only better option among potential seth ships so ... but seth clearly doesn't care abt them except anubis (well ofc he's his son). I just can't imagine seth falling for one ml when he always got taken advantage by everyone. I think author is trying to show that seth is paying for his sins by adding those scenes but ummm most of the scenes are just unnecessary. I just wish author choose another ending other than ending seth with one of the ml.

    JayJay (I'm back!) February 6, 2024 9:07 pm
    seth x horus is the only better option among potential seth ships so ... but seth clearly doesn't care abt them except anubis (well ofc he's his son). I just can't imagine seth falling for one ml when he always... 陈云舟

    Well, for what is worth, I think that at least when it to structure analysis of the narrative, it's not impossible for the story to end up with an open ending when it comes to Seth's romantic life. The author could easily go for that even after making Seth have "scenes of romantic/sexual flirting" with many different characters. The story's structure would certainly allow for that because, from the point of internal logic of the narrative, Seth's FUTURE romantic life is not directly part of the main conflict: which is the threat of Osiris. The issue of Anubis' "amnesia" also will have to get resolved one way or another, since Anubis' status as Seth's son is a central point of that main conflict (and, even more so, after all the pains the author has taken, and keeps taking, to make readers identify with Seth's feelings as Anubis' *parent*), and it's the same for Seth's conflict with Isis... Both of those plot points are sub-conflicts, or subparts, of the main conflict with Osiris, so the story will need to address them in order to be able to say that the "whole" main conflict's been resolved... but technically speaking, Seth's future love life has no direct, inextricable connection to that, so an open ending is perfectly an option, even with all the "playing" that we've been having in the middle. (Heck, I'm even gonna be completely honest here and let you know that, as a fanfiction writer, my humble experience makes me suspect that, if it were me, I'd end it like that... Because, preferences aside, it's the one ending that would take a lot of less work, and stress, from me, as a writer... *if it was me*)

    But all that's from the point of in-universe logic, only... I'm afraid that, with all the advertising the author's done along with the claims they've made, outside of the story... it'd be hard for them to go back on what they said, outside of the story.