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This will obviously not happening, but want kim Dan to leave him so bad so.. ......

takachan February 3, 2024 2:19 am

The thugs will kidnap Kim Dam and threat Jaekyung to lose the match or they will do something bad to him. But Jaekyung obsess in winning and being a champion and will obviously choose victory over Kim Dan. And Kim Dan will be heart broken, cause for Jaekyung he is not more than necessity for his Jinx. so he will leave Jaekyung and his champion ass. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 he will promise Jaekyung to clear his debt by paying him money and not sex. Jaekyung will be angry, lash out on kim Dan. He will deluu him self and will try to convince his self that he doesnt need him that As long as he win, he doesnt care, but what he doesnt know he will lose much more, and that is losing KimDan (︶︿︶)=凸
