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FUCKMAKINGACCOUNTS February 3, 2024 2:12 am

My baby Dan don't deserved to be targeted again by them thugs!

He said that he doesn't know his self worth, and he's correct. He is worth way more than jaekyung. This good person has been lonely his entire life so obviously he'll cling onto the closest warmth he get, which is jaekyung, whereas jaekyung treats intimacy as if it's fist bumping or a handshake. Jk also don't treat people very well either. Many people may be mad with Dan by continuing to fall in love with jk or staying with him but how would he know right away? He will eventually realize after jk's mean attitude towards him, like rn in this chapter. And he still got his precious grandma too.
For people who is sort of or 100% backing up jk, saying that this manhwa is intentionally a toxic one. I know for a fact that this will be toxic and that this screams red carpet , but fuck jk . Like what that boxer said, he doesn't have a shred of human decency and bc of his title, he act superior. Imma keep cussing the shit outta jk until that redemption arc hits , Dan leaving the trash in the bin like the trash he is (even tho ik dan will be with him but i wanna see him leave jk) and he turns 180 .

I'm only reading this bc I wanna see Dan be happy and smile more and to see if his cute grandma ever survive and get out of the hospital to spend quality time with him. I wanna see if Dan make friends bc he clearly ain't got any . I wanna see that doc that sexually harassed him go down to fucking hell with his career ruined.
