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I feel a little bit bad for him tbh. He was stupid for abandoning Kaelus and thinking just...

bibachoro-ok February 1, 2024 7:47 am

I feel a little bit bad for him tbh. He was stupid for abandoning Kaelus and thinking just him being happy was enough - like how exactly would this make Kaelus feel better? Don't just assume things like that, dumbass prince.

But he's still been working hard for the empire and even for Diana. He had no idea she was such a snakey fuckup. I wish he had found someone better for him, who hadn't forced him to compete and break up with his best friend, who could be pragmatic and sincere.

I can't blame him for falling for Hestia either lmao. Wouldn't we all? She's wonderful. It's fine as long as he doesn't interfere with them - and based on his own shame about it, I assume he won't. Rather, isn't this good karmic justice? Now he gets to feel what it's like to lose his love to his best friend.

    lordofjams February 3, 2024 11:33 pm

    Hes a crown prince. Its his job to consider who he brings in as a crown proncess thats why they divorced in the previous life despite making it seem his reason to marry her was true love and let kael take the blame for killing the corrupt duke. He is not a good person rather he used his position to get what kael wants because this chapter shows his jealousy of kaels capabilities and that what kael likes is definitely something what he can benefit from. So thats why helio married diana despite not truly loving her but her image and now hes liking hestia because kael has someone who is a "perfect partner". The point is... helio is exactly like diana. They say they do it for the greater good (the empire/temple) but actually its for their own desires.

    lordofjams February 3, 2024 11:37 pm

    But yes I definitely get why people are faling for hestia especially her dedication towards kael. She's genuinely showing her love for her husband and showing her own capabilities outside of her marriage that benefits kael. Everyone will be jealous - hope helio keeps comparing her to diana. Now im thinking in this chapter he definitely is starting to cross the line that hes liking hes straight kaels face just like before.

    bibachoro-ok February 4, 2024 4:56 pm
    Hes a crown prince. Its his job to consider who he brings in as a crown proncess thats why they divorced in the previous life despite making it seem his reason to marry her was true love and let kael take the b... lordofjams

    I don't think he's a good person, but I do think he THOUGHT he really loved Diana. He was just too blue-eyed about it - Diana may have seemed like a good person while she was a commoner and healer, but that doesn't make her fit for the authority and responsibility of a ruler. He was being stupid and self-centered, putting himself over his friend, and putting his love for Diana over his good judgment of her as a ruler, and he'll pay for it in the end - whether bc he divorces Diana or bc of whatever Hestia is cooking up for him. I may feel a little sorry for him, but I do think it's 100% his own fault for ending up in this position.

    lordofjams February 6, 2024 2:11 pm
    I don't think he's a good person, but I do think he THOUGHT he really loved Diana. He was just too blue-eyed about it - Diana may have seemed like a good person while she was a commoner and healer, but that doe... bibachoro-ok

    Yeah i agree! I really think that HE thinks that he loves her. I just wonder if his motivations to love and even marry her so soon was because he's genuinely jealous of kael and wanting what kael wants in general as he sees kael as a rival. Ofc Helio would not realises the true nature of diana and i dont think diana sees what shes doing is for her own greed! Very interesting!

    bibachoro-ok February 7, 2024 7:01 pm
    Yeah i agree! I really think that HE thinks that he loves her. I just wonder if his motivations to love and even marry her so soon was because he's genuinely jealous of kael and wanting what kael wants in gener... lordofjams

    Yes, exactly. I love these pathetic self-sabotaging characters, their downfall and desperate realization is always so fun to watch.