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Uke Generator January 31, 2024 11:39 pm



After having sex with uke, and uke confides in seme after sex about a past serious event, piece of shit seme responds by breaking up with him and telling him to get out of the apartment…

Just so y’all know, sene doesn’t fucking grovel even once. He returns to uke and uke immedietly accepts him and think of about marriage. Seme easily gets uke back after how fucking horribly he reacted to uke confiding his trauma to him. Instantly turned this story into shit

    Qxeen_zxy January 31, 2024 11:53 pm

    I thought he’d grovel… I might drop if he doesn’t honestly. This was such an amazing story and for them to just make it seem like his fuck up wasn’t bad and was easily forgivable like if you accidentally bumped into someone… I hate that.