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well we all heard about two timing bitches but this is whole another level type of ten tim...

Demon January 31, 2024 12:39 pm

well we all heard about two timing bitches but this is whole another level type of ten timing bitch ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    jojo January 31, 2024 10:27 pm

    she’s not dating anyone also stop degrading her wtf yall don’t say shit when the boys in bl’s date the whole fucking city

    Demon January 31, 2024 11:44 pm
    she’s not dating anyone also stop degrading her wtf yall don’t say shit when the boys in bl’s date the whole fucking city jojo

    huh .. cheating bastards are even worse but usually in bl they end up repenting & going out with one person but don't see that happening here .. she just throw herself on every handsum guy comes her way .. a real man eater lmao

    jojo February 1, 2024 5:18 am
    huh .. cheating bastards are even worse but usually in bl they end up repenting & going out with one person but don't see that happening here .. she just throw herself on every handsum guy comes her way .. ... Demon

    there’s only 9 chapters there’s still time

    Minewtly February 1, 2024 8:04 am

    She's just having fun, plus she's not dating anyone. She's pretty and boys come after her, it's perfectly normal. Don't judge her

    Demon February 1, 2024 1:31 pm
    She's just having fun, plus she's not dating anyone. She's pretty and boys come after her, it's perfectly normal. Don't judge her Minewtly

    lol having fun that way = man eater .. what is there to judge .. don't know since when sleeping around for fun is ok?! there is not even actual time between them to say fun once in a while ... & this goes both ways, a guy or a girl i'm not judging her because she is a girl ... it's just a fictional character the creator made this way for fan service ... if you think this is actual meaning of having fun in life there is an actual problem dude

    peritapera February 1, 2024 2:32 pm

    How is she a cheater if she isnt in a relationship LMAOOOO

    Demon February 1, 2024 2:49 pm

    who said anything about cheating?! the point is she is with going out (having fun as some like to say) with more than one person at the same time & they are not even one night stands as how things going .. isn't that two/ten timing? .. well looks like the author only planning she will have 3 at the time being .. so my bad it's three timing!
    if this is what you describe as fun guys i worry for you .. those unhealthy releationships mangas are messing your heads .. this is just a fan service fiction nothing less nothing more .. this is what i'd call fun .. read it & laugh it off ... but putting excuses & defending her from a comment?!!! wow wake up guys you need help

    Minewtly February 1, 2024 3:24 pm
    lol having fun that way = man eater .. what is there to judge .. don't know since when sleeping around for fun is ok?! there is not even actual time between them to say fun once in a while ... & this goes b... Demon

    Hey, it's alright if sleeping around isn't up to your choices, you are you. You can make your own possibilities, you own your life. If you think that she's a men eater, than FOR YOU she is. But for me it's not like that, I became a little sensible in this topic, some of my friends, before they actual set it up with their boyfriend, used to sleep around and it's OK. I found it normal to learn about our body and found our preference. If it's not for you, IT'S OK, nobody is going to ask you to do it, but just be respectful of other people thoughts. Not just in this case, but always, just try to understand it's not always just black or just white, there are shades in everything

    Demon February 1, 2024 3:38 pm
    Hey, it's alright if sleeping around isn't up to your choices, you are you. You can make your own possibilities, you own your life. If you think that she's a men eater, than FOR YOU she is. But for me it's not ... Minewtly

    lmao no idea why taking this personal ... ok what ever my point goes beyond what reasonable sleeping around is & what's happening in this story .. but suit your self .. i wish you a happy satisfied safe sexual life that's all

    February 2, 2024 10:00 pm

    She’s not even dating anyone?? So how tf she “two-timing”

    Puppy is angwy February 3, 2024 8:12 am

    Bro if men can have those hundreds harem hentai manga/manhwa why women can't?

    In hentai the mc even made all the villagers women as his harem slave. Let the girls have their own wild harem manga/hwa

    Demon February 3, 2024 8:41 pm
    Bro if men can have those hundreds harem hentai manga/manhwa why women can't?In hentai the mc even made all the villagers women as his harem slave. Let the girls have their own wild harem manga/hwa Puppy is angwy

    Brooo that’s the point … it’s a wild harem that’s where the fun is (I’m totally not saying it’s ok for men and not for women but it’s obvious hentai the problem the replies doesn’t indicate that they see this a hentai)… lol my comment was honest response that it can’t be applied to real life & if you do that’s a real problem in many ways (as I see it)… but look at the replies that defends her and say it’s ok to be like her as long as it’s not cheating … I have no response (⊙…⊙ )
    the world is already messed up so imagine if people apply every horny manga to reality .. no idea if all this because it’s reversed harem but huh! All the see is girls so self conscious of being females?! Are we playing feminists here?! Being feminist doesn’t make you accept wrong! You are just hurting yourself at the end of the day

    Dzzykei February 4, 2024 9:01 am

    Cry abt it lololol (/TДT)/ i bet those yaoi manhwas you've read has done MUCH worse yet we don't judge. This is fictional and for adults, like legit just stop reading if you're so sensitive and bothered by it womp womp jealous

    Demon February 4, 2024 11:44 pm
    Cry abt it lololol (/TДT)/ i bet those yaoi manhwas you've read has done MUCH worse yet we don't judge. This is fictional and for adults, like legit just stop reading if you're so sensitive and bothered by ... Dzzykei

    it's funny when you add reply without bothering reading the previous ones