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I don’t think seme is a sociopath..he’s got such a deeply ingrained homophobia..he doe...

Uke Generator January 29, 2024 4:40 pm

I don’t think seme is a sociopath..he’s got such a deeply ingrained homophobia..he doesn’t realise how much he’s imposing on ukes life, he genuinely believes he’s ‘helping’ uke and wants him to find happyness, yet internally seme cannot even comprehend that he could be the person uke finds happiness with. It’s rlly sad :( hope someone gives him a massive wake up call..also I wonder if seme had a negative past experience that made him think the way he does, his type of behaviour is learned, not natural. I’m sure something happened for him to think the way he does so I’d love to find out.

    Hana January 29, 2024 6:46 pm

    You know what, I agree. I mean he could be homophobic and projecting his gayness onto other people and be a sociopath too