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I read the next 4 chapters and man idk

LVDYREDFOX January 29, 2024 1:28 am

This is a spoiler of what happens for anyone who's interested
Dude I just want to like the story. I just want character development. We thought Caesar had character development but in reality there is no development whatsoever.

So Caesar meets up with his dad as promised And obviously they don't really get along but then Caesar makes a comment along the lines of "I fucked your son" and gets Mikhail all worked up. (The translations were a bit off so I'm deciphering as best I can lol)

Mikhail collapses (or so I heard I don't know how true it was since it wasn't shown) Just because he has heart issues and seeing and listening to Caesar stressed him out.

Anywho that's really besides the point lol I don't know where the translation kind of gets foggy for me but after those two met up Leewon attempted to break up with Caesar again and I don't know if it was serious or if it was just for play but whatever the case may have been, Caesar definitely didn't like it and he slit his own throat forcing our poor beautiful Leewon to "change his mind" about breaking up with him

Caesar survives of course and Leewon berates him in the hospital but to be honest with you I kind of didn't even read the rest of the chapter after that bc I was just so over it like???????? Regardless of if the translation was correct or not Caesar does end up slitting his own throat because of something leewon said, And that does not very well spell character development to me.

Anyway there's that

Oh also someone sent a bomb to Leewons room but it didn't really do too much damage. it kind of scarred his hands a bit so they had to be wrapped up, but again, I stopped reading after that because someone sent him a bomb, he's currently staying with his dad.

He questioned if it was the one guy (I forgot his name but he's the mercenary who told him he was next) but came to the conclusion that the bomb was too messy for it to have been him.

Ok I'm done this time lol

    Cherry February 13, 2024 9:57 pm

    The bomb thing happen before actually there was a mess up with the raw, but honestly I think Caesar won’t improve and we shouldn’t expect him too. Their story seem most like Stockholm syndrome from Leewon than anything