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sweety1997 January 28, 2024 6:39 pm

Please. Learn. Never EVER change yourself for a dude! Be you. Unapologetically, authentically and fabulously you. Always. And if they don't worship you for that, fuck them. You don't need such a man. Keep them away. Stick to yourself and if you attracted sister goddesses like yourself, then stick to them. Always be loyal to yourself. The moment you are disloyal to yourself is when you fuck around and find out in the most ugliest ways. The biggest sin of a human, of a woman, is to be disloyal to her body and her self. That is when we curse ourself and will inevitably suffer greatly and maybe even die as a consequence. Never ever ever EVER! Especially if it's for a man! Never! And if you don't find that man who worships you in this life, then so be it. You are loyal to you and happy and fulfill your every dream and have your family born or built or both. Maybe your soul is not meant to go through this life ina union with another, but enjoy it single and with all your love, attention and focus on yourself. Create your dreamlife and live it always. Do not live anothers dream for them! EVER!
